16 April 2010

100 and 1...


Shirt and Shoes: Zara, Pants: H&M, Watch: Michael Kors


Ring: Tiffany & Co.

Every time I wear black and white I always think of Cruella Deville. Wasn't she AMAZING? I mean, here's a woman who would stop at nothing to have a fabulous coat made out of puppies that were too precious! I mean, don't get me wrong, I have a dog and it would be on, straight PETA style if someone tried to turn her into a full on topper...but you gotta respect her tenacity.

That's true style to me, objective or not, determining who you are and what you want to say to the world, but most importantly not giving a damn...speaks volume. Finally, it's Friday. Big plans for the weekend to continue celebrating my promotion, Round 2, then off to NY for 2 weeks which I'm super excited about.

And if you follow me on twitter you'd know I twitpic'd my new lens for my camera. I'm uber excited to see what bad ass pics this thing can produce. The evolution of the blog 60+ posts in.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

agnes said...

J'adore ton style, une française fan de toi
