29 June 2010

Rock On...


T-Shirt: Banana Republic; Vest: Target; Jeans: Levi 510 Super Skinny; Shoes: Zara; Necklace: Chico's; Watch: Michael Kors


This week I decided to lay my clothes out for the entire week on Sunday. That's right, I went through my wardrobe this past Sunday and picked out 5 outfits I wanted to wear to work for the entire week. Not only was this very therapeutic, it was hella convenient! I wake up every morning not having to worry about standing in my closet for 30 minutes thinking to myself what am I going to wear today...it's all right there. Predetermined destiny if you will.

That's kinda what our style is, a predetermined destiny of looks, designers, trends, etc that we are constantly be drawn to. These aren't predetermined in terms of things we don't have control over, but predetermined in a sense that once we determine who we are...we set ourselves up to constantly go through life finding and collecting those things that continuously define the person we defined so long ago. Losing you yet??

Again, another week is dwindling down. Tomorrow's hump day and brings me closer to my road trip to Orlando with my good friend, James. Super excited and need to just pick up a few things to take with me on my trip. Will have to do a post on what I'm bringing with me and the fun DVF weekend bag I'm taking with me. Uber chic, classic, and so perfect!

Happy Tuesday...

1 comment:


i like that monochrome ensemble.