This is probably one of my favorite songs of 2009, and don't even get me started on that AMAZING
video. It was totally EPIC (stay tuned for digression). A lot of people are beginning to use this word to describe something that is beyond amazing, beyond superb, beyond perfect, beyond timeless, etc. At first I thought, are you joking, I'm never going to use the word Epic, but here I am, 10 posts in and I just used the word, Epic! Damn, I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks (and back to our regularly scheduled post).

Attended a meeting today with some top executives (including an industry legend) for our upcoming Summer season and decided to pull out my secret weapon, the bow tie! Man, you wouldn't believe how many compliments I get every time I wear one. I only own 2 (for the moment anyway) but do plan to acquire more as the year progresses and I remember to focus on things that I need and not always what I want. Yes, bow ties are a need for me and my wardrobe; it's my thing, let it go!

Wearing a silk paisley bow tie, H&M button up, Target tweed vest, Levi 510 Super Skinny jeans, and suede Zara lace up oxfords. Had frozen hot chocolate today for the first time. Umm, the jury is still out on that experience. I can't believe it's already Wednesday. Ciao.
*Oh yea, don't forget to follow In Ernest on BlogLovin(Eiffel Tower), using your Twitter, Facebook, or Google account. Show me some love. Pretty please with cherry and sprinkles and whip cream on top. Yes, little ole fashionable me is begging, promise not to tell?
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